opinion piece

Stop gambling with your children’s future

The Vuwani resident in Limpopo are playing with the future of their children as they strike continuously for the past years when learners are towards trial examinations. In 2016 the strike started before trial exam like this year.  Their main target is to shut down all schools around the area to get the attention.

Parents should fight their own battles without disrupting their children’s education. The right to education is denied when people are striking and burning the government property yet they want services delivery. Every learner has a right to education but the community is violating that right instead of protecting the future of their children. It raises a question of accountability and responsibility of parents towards their children's education.

The worst part parents are using young people for their own person agenda that will benefit them but destroys the future of the learners. In most cases youth are being influenced by adult to burn schools in order for the government to give them what they want. Fine the government might give them the answer they want but it might not be able to replace schools they have burnt so far. Some learners are being arrested in the process yet they don’t see any problem. In future some will not be able to work because they will be having criminal record regardless the qualification they have.

Department of Education must have budget for catch up class even though the strike has got nothing to do with education. The money they must use to improve in education and funding will be used for catch up classes and hiring mobile classes. People must learner to keep out learners in their fight because it’s like a culture in South Africa every time when there is strike the first target is schools which should be the last thing. They are striking because they want to fall under Makhado Municipality not Collins Shabane municipality why don’t they shut down the municipality?

Is it all about the municipality or tribalism between Venda and Tsonga? The power of hate and anger they are generation to young people can destroy the nation.  They differ in tradition and language so what?  The future of more than 2000 learners is on the line because they are forced to miss their preliminary exam. Where are we going as South African if we are still gambling with the future leaders of tomorrow? Everyone have the right to strike but they must not violet others rights by doing so. People  must value and respect education more  than anything else. “He, who opens a school door, closes a prison” by victor Hugo.


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