Being young in modern South Africa.


I believe being born in a free country was most of the greatest thing .Life is easy and everything is possible .We live in a country with lot of opportunities .In South African we can achieve anything ,whether we have money or not as long as we work hard there is free education. Public schools are free and they are many bursaries out there that fund tertiary institutions for all kind of student. I sometimes find it hard to understand why some people don’t further their studies and money shouldn’t be the issue.

We live in a free country where every child has a right to education. There is no longer corporal punishment in school. We are the once who decide what subject do we want to do. Everyone is free to do any career as long as you qualify in that institution. Gone are those racist days. Technology has changed my life in a different ways. It also has a powerful influence in my daily life .I have access in internet and social media. Without my cellphone life is meaningless because is my source of communication. Technology is changing the way i see thing everyday and without it life will never be easy.

The life of today need people who are informed in everything that is happening around the world .I find it easy because i get online read newspapers and other sources of information. Even though people think technology is corrupting our minds. It not easy to be a young because some of the things we do our elders don't understand forgetting that things are changing. We come across so many challenges when we are growing. We end up doing things that we regret later but the pressure from friends makes us do such. Am living in a country where they are high rate of teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse. Our parents are traditional people and they don’t give us support, guide and motivate us but still they want us to overcome those challenges.

Life is not easy if you don’t have money. Poverty is what we are facing everyday. Many of our parents didn’t get a change to go to school back then and they can’t provide our needs. Many can’t cope with the situation and they end up in hands of sugar-daddy. The leaders of tomorrow are destroying their future because of poverty. We are born free generation with rights but we don’t know our responsibilities. The rights we claim we know but still we are abusing them .We think we know all because we were born in democracy which is not true. We no longer have respected for other people even our selves.

South Africa is one of the best countries I know. Even though they are many challenges we are facing as youth of today but still we are living in a free country with possibilities to us as leaders of tomorrow. 




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