Technology is changing the way we see things


An interpersonal relationship is a strong , deep or close associations or acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring.Technology has a powerful influence on our lives and relationships and expanded our interpersonal communication options.

Mr Jacob Ratlokga is a 48 years old man living in Soweto Naledi .He stay alone and the rest of his family stays at Turfloop in Limpopo province, where he comes from .He is a married man blessed with four 1990 he moved to Gauteng province where he used to work in the garden somewhere in Lenasia .From 1999 until now he work as a bookkeeper in Transnet.

We used to met in train everyday in the morning sometimes even in the afternoon. That’s when i realise that Mr Jacobs is my neighbour. We start to know each other and sometimes we walk together to the station in the morning even in the afternoon on our way home.Mr  Jacob is a born again man who likes gospel music .He spent most of the time at church because he is one of the leader in Roman Catholic Church .He  likes action and horror movies. “If i have a chance back then i would have been a chef because i like cooking,” said Mr Rantloga

Jacobs used to send money back home to his wife and children .They also sent letters if they need something or has a problem .All this happens because Jacobs goes home once or twice a year.He also sent money to his family every month using a postal box. “As things were changing, at home they introduce computers where at first i was struggling to times goes on life and work become easy.”Things has changed because now Mr Rantlokga use cellphones to communicate with his family and they call each other everyday. If he wants to send money home he deposit the money in bank which is easy and fast to access.

I use social media like whatsapp, facebook and email to communicate with my friends and family .It is easy to use and saves time .I don’t have to call or visit friends because we can text each other anytime if there is something urgent . I even share my pictures on instagram and facebook with my friends and followers.Back then it was easy to solve problems in many because people know each other well and better through communication. People used to make time for each other everyday but now things have changed. People of today spent most of their time online, listening to music and playing games and other things. They no longer have time for their families.

Many relationships are failing and suffering because of the way technology is changing communication. People no longer communicate, visit or call each other. Technology has changed our personalities in a strange ways .We no longer know who are we anymore


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